Digital Evidence Wins Cases for Criminal Defense Attorneys
Have you ever had a tough criminal defense case that was frustrating because of insufficient evidence to mount an effective defense or obtain a reasonable plea bargain for your client? Maybe it was a homicide case or a difficult sexual assault case. Whatever it was, text messages, emails, digital photographs, voice messages, or videos, might have been involved. And producing that evidence at the right time could have made all the difference in court.
Would evidence from a cell phone change the outcome of your next case?
If you answered “Yes” to any one of these questions, Carney Forensics can help you. We work with criminal defense attorneys to acquire, analyze, authenticate, and admit relevant digital forensic evidence from thousands of cell phones, tablets, and GPS and personal navigation devices. Also, digital documents, email, and voice mail. We can obtain evidence from over 31,000 cell phone makes and models, including smartphones, with scores of new ones added every month. We provide advanced consulting services to answer your questions and assist you with information interpretation and the development of evidentiary strategy.
We have worked with criminal defense attorneys from many private criminal defense firms and district and appellate Offices of the Public Defender in the State of Minnesota, North Dakota, California, and other states. We have presented dozens of CLEs to criminal defense attorneys on digital forensics for the MSBA, Minnesota CLE including the Criminal Justice Institute, county bar associations, the Office of the Public Defender, the Minnesota Society for Criminal Justice, the Minnesota Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, and the Minnesota Innocence Project, now the Great North Innocence Project.
Call us today for a free consultation on your latest case. We would enjoy working with you to find compelling digital evidence that can change the outcome of your case.