About John Carney

About John Carney

John Carney
John Carney, Esq.

John Carney

Owner – Chief Technology Officer, Attorney, and Cell Phone Expert

I founded Carney Forensics over fifteen years ago. Today I am Chief Technology Officer and lead digital forensic examiner. I am also an expert witness and testify regularly in federal and state courts nationwide.

John Carney’s Education

I studied computer science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) at the Media Lab and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree.  Later in my career, I earned a Juris Doctor (JD) degree in law and dispute resolution from Mitchell Hamline School of Law.


I am a licensed attorney in federal and state courts in Minnesota. I am also a Fellow in the Jurisprudence section of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS).

Volunteer Service

I am proud to provide pro bono digital forensic services to the Great North Innocence Project.  I assist their staff and volunteer attorneys with exonerations of wrongful convictions in Minnesota, North and South Dakota.

Century College in White Bear Lake, MN asked me to serve as a faculty adviser in their Cybersecurity, Forensics and Information Assurance program. I sit on the advisory board, guest teach, and supervise digital forensic student interns.

I am a member of the Minnesota State Bar Association’s AI Committee and serve on their AI Sandbox subcommittee. Furthermore, I am Treasurer of the Minnesota State Bar Association’s District #19. And I sit on the Governing Council of the Minnesota State Bar Association’s Tech Law Section.


Certifications in cell phone forensics and computer forensics have been a goal of mine and I hold certifications from Cellebrite and AccessData.

Cellebrite Certified Physical Analyst
AccessData Certified Examiner
Cellebrite Certified Logical Operator


I presented nationally on cell phone forensics at the Department of Defense Cyber Crime Conference (DC3) and many times at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences annual conference. I also presented at the Paraben Forensics Innovation Conference and the Techno Security and Digital Forensics Conference.

About John Carney on WCCO CBS Minnesota’s “Good Question” Series

WCCO asked me to appear on CBS Minnesota’s “Good Question” series many times to answer questions on digital forensics and cybersecurity.  See some of their stories at the links below:

Good Question: How Easy Is It to ‘Hack” A Cell Phone?

Good Question: What Is The Cloud?

Good Question: Are There Better Ways To Keep Passwords Safe?

Good Question: Why Are So Many Hackers From Russia?

I delivered scores of CLE seminars on digital forensics and mobile cybersecurity in Minnesota for the Minnesota State Bar Association, the Hennepin County Bar Association, the Ramsey County Bar Association, Minnesota CLE, the Minnesota County Attorneys Association, the Minnesota Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, the Minnesota Society of Criminal Justice, the Office of the Public Defender, the Innocence Project of Minnesota, the Minnesota Paralegal Association, and many law firms in Minnesota.